CARE Teams
What are CARE Teams?
Students facing academic, personal, financial, or other challenges that hinder their academic success may request or be referred to a Mahanaim CARE team by faculty or staff. CARE teams are made up of support staff from each department who collaborate with each other and the student to draw up an action plan and support the student throughout the term in working through their challenges and/or resolving issues. This includes connecting students to school support services and personnel who can most effectively aid the student. The goal is to address problems before they reach crisis level and jeopardize a student’s ability to study to succeed at Mahanaim. If you need support from CARE Teams or want to refer someone to CARE Teams, please feel free to submit a CARE Teams Request, visit the AEC, or contact
More about CARE Teams
​​CARE teams will treat each student’s situation with the utmost care and confidentiality while taking steps that address the unique circumstances that the student faces. A student may request a CARE team by visiting or contacting the Academic Excellence Center or may be referred to one by their peers, instructors, or staff.
Possible indicators that may lead to a CARE team referral include:
Tuition holds preventing registration in the following term or graduation.
A drop in performance or grades after midterm exams.
A failing grade in one or more courses.
Being on Academic Probation.
Peer recommendation
Staff or instructor recommendation.
Self request by the student.
The CARE team will work with the student and advocate for the student to specific offices. The CARE team’s plan will be valid for one term and will be reviewed at the conclusion of the term to determine whether the issue has been resolved or the plan must be extended or revised. Not all issues require a CARE team, and requests or referrals are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Challenges or issues that will most benefit from the collaboration of multiple support personnel are what typically qualify for CARE team support, while other issues may be resolved by a single support officer. Regardless, all students facing difficulties that they feel are hindering their success at Mahanaim are encouraged to contact the Academic Excellence Center or Student Wellness Center as soon as possible.