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Code of Conduct

Mahanaim is committed to the well-being of the student body and the fulfillment of the school’s educational mission of promoting a safe and productive learning environment for all. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with Mahanaim’s mission and core values and are encouraged to create an environment that promotes reasoned discourse, intellectual honesty, openness to constructive change, and respect for the rights of all individuals. The Code of Conduct sets forth the standards of conduct expected of students who choose to join the school community. The following Code of Conduct is designed to achieve the goals of Mahanaim while maintaining order and stability on campus. 


The Code of Conduct applies to the entirety of the Mahanaim student body and across the entire campus geography. Mahanaim also reserves the right to take appropriate action when off-campus behavior of an individual, group, or organization interferes with the mission of Mahanaim and presents a danger to the health, safety, and well-being of others. Students who violate these standards will be subject to educational interventions or disciplinary sanctions and Mahanaim will hold individuals or groups responsible for actions that disrupt the orderly operation of the school and/or endanger the safety, health, or life of any person.

I. Disorderly Conduct

Students should not act in a manner that impedes the order and functioning of Mahanaim with activities that interfere with the well-being of the Mahanaim community. The intentional destruction, damage, or removal of school property by a student, alone or in concert with other persons, and also the act of preventing or disrupting the progress of any class, practice session, rehearsal, or performance will be grounds for disciplinary action which may include suspension. The same measures of discipline will be applied to students who harass, physically abuse, or threaten to inflict injury on another member of the Mahanaim community. See the Disciplinary Measures Policy for more information.

II. Fire Safety

Intentionally or recklessly causing a fire that damages school or personal property or causes injury is prohibited. Tampering with fire alarms, fire hoses, extinguishers, and other protective equipment is against state law. Students who cause a false report, warning, or threat of fire, explosion, or another emergency at the school may be subject to a local fine in addition to school suspension or expulsion.

III. Firearms & Weapons

Having possession of or storing ammunition, detonating, explosive devices, bows, crossbows, arrows, knives, and other edged weapons, firearms, devices that use aerosol or compressed air canisters to shoot projectiles of any kind, slingshots, BB guns, pellet guns, paintball guns, and martial arts weapons on the campus is prohibited. This policy also applies to any person who may have acquired a government-issued permit or license. Violation of this policy may result in expulsion.

IV. Unauthorized Access

Unauthorized presence in or unauthorized use of school property, resources, or facilities and unauthorized access to or disclosure of any school document, record, or identification, including but not limited to, electronic software, data, and records will result in serious disciplinary action, which may include probation, suspension, or expulsion from the school.

V. Hazing

Hazing is defined as subjecting a fellow student to abusive or humiliating pranks and/or ridicule that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student. Hazing is not permitted at Mahanaim. Any act which endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student, or which destroys or removes public or private property for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in a formal or informal group or organization is prohibited.


Failing to intervene, to prevent, to discourage, and/or failing to report those acts may also constitute hazing. Student Affairs staff will make the determination of whether an incident will be deemed as hazing. Participation or cooperation by the person(s) being hazed does not excuse the violation. Regardless of motive or intent, any student participating in prank-style activities can expect immediate and serious disciplinary action.

VI. Smoking

Smoking is the burning of, inhaling from, exhaling the smoke from, the possession of a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe, hookah, water pipes or any other matter or substance that contains tobacco or any other matter that can be smoked. The use of and the sale of smoking products, and the use of and the sale of smokeless tobacco products, including but not limited to electronic smoking devices, in or on any school property is prohibited at all times. Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action.

VII. Drugs & Alcohol

Mahanaim is committed to maintaining a drug-free workplace in compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. The unlawful possession, use, distribution, dispensation, sale, or manufacture of controlled substances is prohibited on campus. Violation of this policy will result in suspension or expulsion. Students should also be familiar with the law and the penalties and risks that such actions will entail. Instances may be referred for criminal prosecution at the discretion of the Office of Student Affairs. Further, the use of alcohol or other drugs in situations off-campus or removed from campus activities that impair work performance is treated as misconduct on campus and will be subject to the same disciplinary measures.

VIII. Gambling

Gambling in any form is prohibited from all Mahanaim facilities.

IX. Anti-Harassment Policy

Mahanaim intends to promote an academic environment and workplace free from harassment, discrimination and intimidation. As such, any type of harassment based on an individual’s gender, marital status, pregnancy, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, veteran status, or other legally protected characteristic is prohibited. Mahanaim prohibits sexual assault, stalking, retaliation and violence of any measures.

X. Theft

Theft is the intentional and unauthorized taking or removal of property that belongs to another person or entity, including goods, services, furniture, artwork, plants, electronics, books, window screens, signs, and/or other valuables. Theft of any item belonging to a Mahanaim student, staff or faculty member, or of any item belonging to the school itself, is prohibited. Theft is considered an extremely serious matter by the school and will result in disciplinary action or even legal/criminal proceedings for excessive cases.

XI. Damange and/or Vandalism

Vandalism is the intentional, reckless, and/or unauthorized defacing of property owned by another person, entity, or the school. Students are not permitted to write, draw, or otherwise deface college or another student’s property (including doors, door decorations, or dry-erase boards) by using chalk, paint, or any other substance. Students will be held financially responsible and charged for damages to the building, furniture, and equipment of Mahanaim buildings and spaces caused by either themselves or with others. In cases where damage or vandalism is excessive, legal or criminal proceedings may be pursued alongside sanctions from Mahanaim’s Disciplinary Measures policy.

Code of Conduct

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