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Welcome to the Mahanaim Library! We have built this page, and our library, to assist students and faculty with their educational, intellectual, and artistic pursuits.


The Mahanaim Library is ready to help you!

About Us

The mission of the Mahanaim library is to support the teaching and performance activities of both the school's degree-granting and non-degree granting programs. The library selects and maintains a collection of library materials that assists students and faculty with their educational, intellectual, and artistic pursuits. 

Our Collection

The goal of the Mahanaim Library is to develop a collection of performance materials in various formats (scores, scores with parts, sound and video recordings) for all vocal ranges, piano, and orchestral instruments, including chamber music for the Gracias Music program.  We also seek to develop our collection for our liberal arts courses. Currently, the library has an extensive selection of drama, art history, music history & scores, Spanish, Public Speaking, Theology and English Literature books. As our collection grows, the library is striving to add books that explore the topics of philosophy, psychology, cognitive science, as well as data and computing. The library is also adding journals and periodicals relevant to Mind Education and Liberal Arts to our collection.

Using HPL

To provide students with all the resources that they need to feel engaged while studying at Mahanaim, the Library has reached out to the Huntington Public Library (HPL) in order to obtain access to all of the HPL’s online subscriptions and services.

To receive a Huntington Public Library Card, please email the Mahanaim librarian about making an appointment to fill out a registration form.


Students have access to:


For a complete listing of all available services, visit the Huntington Public Library website!

Visiting the Library


Mahanaim, Room 147


Hours of operation

M-F: 9 am - 6 pm

Sat: 10 am - 5 pm

Sun: Closed
Holidays: Closed

Library Use & Conduct Policies

The Mahanaim Library seeks to provide all users with a welcoming, comfortable, and safe environment while intellectually exploring our holdings.  The following Use & Conduct Policies are intended to ensure a pleasant environment for study, and a productive research center for all students, faculty, and staff.


These Use & Conduct Policies are to be used by all library users and will be enforced by all library and school staff.

General Behavior

  • The Library is a place intended for quiet study. Please be courteous to others and keep all conversation at a low level.

  • Interfering with a library employee’s performance of duties is not permitted.

  • Users may not obstruct access to study areas, workstations, or library materials by leaving their things anywhere that they want. Keep your things on your person at all times.

  • Users may not use library areas for prolonged sleeping or as living quarters.

  • Do not leave personal belongings unattended. The Library is not responsible for damage, theft, or loss of personal property.

Collection Use

  • All students and alumni must have a patron record and school ID card showing proof of affiliation with Mahanaim. No one is permitted to check out library items on someone else’s patron record.

  • All check-outs are subject to call-back by the library staff. Users must check out or obtain authorization before removing materials, equipment, or property from the library premises. 

  • If the security alarm sounds while leaving or entering the library, please report to the circulation desk immediately. 

  • If there is no one available to help you, please come back during office hours or contact the librarian directly.

  • Do not deliberately misplace library materials so that others cannot access them.

  • Return library materials on time.

  • Handle all library materials gently so that they are not damaged.

  • Please be mindful of copyright law: “The Copyright law of the United States (Title 17 U.S. Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. The person using this photocopying equipment is liable for any infringement.” As such, it is not permissible to copy recordings of Mahanaim’s performances to laptops or any other device. All performances are the property of the school and carry copyright restrictions.

Enforcement & Reporting

  • Library use is a privilege, not a right. Violations of any policy or conduct requirement will be reported and consequences enforced. Anyone violating policies will be asked to leave the library proper, and can be refused future access.

  • If any individual or group is not following previously stated policies or conduct requirements, individual users may point it out.

  • Concerns, problems, or policy violations may be reported to the Librarian or ICT Director.

Facility Use


  • Do not leave personal belongings unattended. The Library is not responsible for damage, theft, or loss of personal property.

  • The library cannot provide change for copying and printing purposes. Pay the finance office in advance; you will receive a receipt that can be given to library staff in order to fill out a copy card.

  • Please follow facility closing times; the library and computer lab follow the same opening and closing schedule.

  • You may not take out any materials if there is no library staff present to sign out materials.

Circulation Policies

Loan Period

  • 2 weeks, plus a 3-day grace period.

  • Renewals are allowed up to 3 times and must be requested before your loan period ends. 

  • Renewals are authorized on an availability basis and all sign-outs are subject to call-back by the library staff after the initial loan period.


There are three ways to renew your loan:

  • Online renewal: log in to your library account on The Mahanaim’s online library KOHA ( and renew your items.

  • In-person: renew your items at the circulation desk during library hours. You do not have to bring the materials with you.

  • Email a renewal request to


Fine Schedule. 

  • Library items are subject to fines of $0.25 for each day an item is overdue, up to $15 per item.

  • As a courtesy, overdue fines will not be charged for a grace period of 3 days. However, if the item is not returned within the 3 days, an overdue charge will be applied to your library account, starting from the first overdue date. 

  • Borrowing privileges are suspended when total fines reach $15.

  • If an item becomes overdue by two months or more, a replacement charge will be added to your library account, and an academic hold will be placed on your school account. If you return the book or pay replacement charges, the academic hold will be removed.

  • Library fines can be paid to the Bursar Office and any unpaid fines will be added to your Bursar bill at the end of the semester. 

  • An academic hold will prevent you from making changes to your class schedule or participating in the commencement ceremony.


The library complies fully with all of the provisions of the U.S. Copyright Law (17 U.S.C.) and its amendments. The library strongly supports the Fair Use section of the Copyright Law (17 U.s.c. 107) which permits and protects citizens’ rights to reproduce and make other uses of copyrighted works for the purposes of teaching and research. 


Making a complete copy of library materials violates Copyright Law, even if the copies are for non-commercial purposes. Per copyright law, no more than 10% is permitted to be copied. Thus, the following notice will be enforced and placed on all copiers in the library. 


“The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, U.S. Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. The person using this equipment is responsible for any infringement.”  

Additionally, it is not permissible to copy recordings of The Mahanaim’s performances to laptops or any other device. All performances are the property of the school and carry copyright restrictions.



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