Student Experience
Campus Safety
About Campus Safety
Mahanaim views highly important in maintaining the safety of the community. Mahanaim is a compact, private institution with a strong administrative presence and a single, dedicated entrance with controlled access to the campus. Historically, crime has not been an issue at Mahanaim.
Title IX
Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 is a federal law that states: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”
Title IX Coordinators:
Jennifer Zhang_Title IX Coordinator/ CFO
Office: Mahanaim, Room 145
Email: jennifer.z@mahanaim.com
Phone: 631.944.4400 ext. 2404
Grace Kim_Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Students
Office: Mahanaim, Room 114A
Email: sollip.kim@mahanaim.com
Phone: 631.944.4400 ext. 2302
The Title IX Coordinator and/or Designee investigate complaints by faculty, staff, and students who believe themselves to be harmed by sexual harassment or discrimination and harassment related to gender. A Title IX Coordinator can provide assistance in addressing the incident through consultation, administrative review, and/or formal investigation.
In accordance with the 2020 Title IX Final Rule, Mahanaim is required to publicly share materials used to train Title IX personnel. Links to the relevant training can be found below:
Department of Education - OCR Webinar: Title IX Regulations Addressing Sexual Harassment
Department of Education - OCR Webinar: New Title IX Protections Against Sexual Assault
Department of Education - OCR Webinar: Due Process Protections
Department of Education - OCR Webinar: Conducting and Adjudicating Title IX Hearings
Department of Education - OCR Webinar: How to Report Sexual Harassment under Title IX
Department of Education - OCR Webinar: The First Amendment and Title IX
Reporting Incidents
Use the form below to report a crime or incident. We will review and contact you shortly. It is the school's policy to provide immediate assistance to victims of sexual assault. You can pursue any or all options:
Call 911 or Report the incident to local law enforcement
Suffolk County Police Department (631) 854-8200
Law enforcement officers are trained in investigating sexual offenses and supporting victims reporting a sexual offense. With your permission, law enforcement officers have the authority to commence a criminal investigation and prosecution in sexual assault matters.
Seek Counseling and Emotional Support
Off-campus counseling is available free of charge to care for students’ emotional well-being. Counselors can provide confidential support during a difficult period and afterward.
Sexual Misconduct Policy
Students' Bill of Rights
Off campus counseling is available for students and can care for student's emotional well-being. Counselors can provide confidential support during a difficult period.
Local Services:
Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk [VIBS]: (631) 360-3606
Suffolk County Coalition Against Domestic Violence [SCCADV]: (631) 666-8833
NYSP Campus Sexual Assault Victims Unit / Troop L: (631) 231-7059 / (631)236-7541
Suffolk County Coalition Against Domestic Violence: (631) 666-7181
DASH: (631) 952-3333 (24 Hour Crisis Hotline)
Long Island Crisis Center: (516) 679-1111
Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk (VIBS): (631) 360-3730
VIBES: (631) 360-3606
24 hour Crisis Care Center for Suffolk County (631) 751-7500
Huntington Hospital: (631) 351-2000
Huntington Fire Department, (631)427-3030
ProHealth Urgent Care (631) 470-9000
Community First Aid Squad (631) 421-1263
Other Services:
NYS Domestic and Sexual Violence Hotline: (800)-942-6906
Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN): (800) 656-HOPE (4673)
Love is Respect: Provides information about how you can recognize an unhealthy or abusive relationship. (866) 331-9474 / loveisrespect.org to chat online
Violence Intervention Program (800) 664-5880
Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
Alcohol Anonymous Hotline: 1-888-679-1714
National Sexual Assault Hotline: (800) 656-HOPE
National Domestic Violence Hotline: (800) 799-7233
Campus Climate Survey
Mahanaim performs a campus climate assessment of students every two years as required by New York State Education Law 129B, Section 64445. Mahanaim will administer the student campus climate survey in August 2023. A summary of the results will be posted here.
Campus Security Report
The federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) requires colleges to disclose campus safety information and enforce procedures for handling incidents of sexual violence and emergency situations. Disclosures about crime statistics and summaries of security policies are made once a year in an Annual Security Report. Information about specific crimes and emergencies is made publicly available on an ongoing basis throughout the year.
Access Mahanaim’s current Campus Security Report here.